A peep into the Colonial Era

Crusaders of Team Nishan, as a sequel to launch of PRPP Campaign visited Front Line Police officers in Police stations and found the self esteem of these Police officers at lowest ebb.The paramilitary pattern of police structure is taking its toll not only on police performance but a burden on public exchequer.

Ms.Melissa Gordon & Ms.Manisha singh with Front line police officers at a Police station in Sirsa(Haryana)Ms.Melissa Gordon, Ex-Special Police Officer from UK, Ms.Manisha Singh, Barrister from UK along with Aridaman Jit Singh, visited the front line police officers to know about their professional and personal challenges into day to day life as Police officers of Haryana Police. This visit is a prelude to detailed interviews and surveys that is part of action oriented research of PRPP Programme to assess the limitations and capabilities of existing police system to meet the democratic aspirations of all the stake holders.It is with the objective to mobilige public opinion for introducing organizational changes to flatten the top heavy police structure that has no opeartional role into active policing with legal accountability but a burden on public exchequer as liabilty of colonial era.Front Line Police officers were found to be very enthusiatic in drawing comparisons with police organizations of vibrant democracies and welcomed this initiative.

Front line police officers were found to be facing the accute shortage of resources to be responsive to the needs of individual citizens in crisis. Haryana Police suffers from complete failure of top brass. police officers at police station level have no standard opearting procedures to deal with various situations nor standard investigation kits containing laid out formats and for everything they bank upon their own memories and personal experiences and that varies from person to person and result is an inefficent, ill resourced police .

The majority of police officers felt that corruption was a real issue that had to be dealt with within their ranks. There was also the feeling that a lack of resources to perform their jobs is another major challenge that promotes opportunities of corruption.