Canada’s South Simcoe Police and Nishan Team up to share information on best practices in democratic policing

Mr.Aridaman Jit Singh,Director Nishan called upon the Chief of Police of South Simcoe Mr.Rick Beazley and apprised him with Nishan’s Police Reforms Peoples’ Perspective Campaign dedicated to democratize India’s colonial police for its structural changes to make it suitable to the democracy. The police chief and his staff assured of complete cooperation in sharing the informations on best practices being followed by them in its police department.

Mr.Rick Beazley,Chief of Police,South Simcoe and Mr.Aridaman Jit Singh,Director Nishan at the Headquarters of South Simcoe Police in Ontario,Canada

Mr.Aridaman Jit Singh,Director Nishan on visit to Canada’s Ontario province on a series of presentations and confrences organized by the coalition of 13 social and religious organizations of Ontario as homage to the victims of 1984 Silkh Genocide had an opportunity to call upon the Chief of Police of South Simcoe to seek their support and cooperation on Nishan’s Police Reforms People’s Perspective Campaign to democratize India’s Police organizations.

being continued…..!