Sh.P.C.Dogra, Former Director General of Police Punjab, On PRPP and challenges before NGOs

Team Nishan interacted with Mr.P.C.Dogra, Former Director General of Punjab Police on the impending Police Reforms and challenges before the catalysts.

On 10 November as part of consultations with Top Cops,Ms.Federica D’Alessandra, Ms.Susana Costa & Aridaman Jit Singh from Team Nishan were lucky to have informal interaction with Sh.P.C.Dogra Former DGP of Punjab Police at his home in Chandigarh.

Former Top Cop was quite vocal in expressing his anguish over the bureaucratic hurdels faced by the social initiatives. He was very forth right in admitting the limitations of paramilitary structure in the functioning of civil police and its pitfalls.

He conceded with all the issues that actually needs to be addressed as part of police Reforms and remain very much within the purview of police leadership that has all the powers under police act to deal with them. He also agreed with the fact that Police Act doesn’t leave any scope for political interference in the police fuctioning due to well established chain of command on paramilitary pattern and if this interference is allowed it is outcome of professional bankcruptcy of Police Leadership.

While writting his good wishes in the campaign book on PRPP Campaign he conveyed in no uncertain terms that “It is very tough challenge to reform the police in India but the persistance and determination I can see in you will make you successful”.