Presentations and Confrencences in Canada on sikh genocide and response of India’s state institutions to victims of violence and injustice

Non profit and charitable organizations of Toronto lead by public spirited sikhs have come forward to raise the issue of injustice to the victims of 1984 sikh genocide. The 1984 genocide against sikh community, organized by congress party and encouraged by the than Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi with his statement that justified violence against sikhs, laid the road map of denial of justice to the victims of genocide. The subsequent role played by coercive criminal justice system of India has substantiated the fact of colonial judiciary advancing the agenda of ruling class and a serious threat to the existence of citizens who reposed their trust in democratic values of governance and its institutions. Mr.Aridaman Jit Singh, Director, Nishan has been invited to deliver a series of presentations and lectures at various institutions on the challenges before victims of injustices in India and role of state actors.

Mr.Aridaman Jit Singh and Mr.Jarnail Singh on radio interview at Toronto,Ontario.

1984 sikh genocide in India and its aftermath, on the issue of response of state to its victims of injustices. Inspite of lapse of 28 years the judiciary is dragging its feet on one or two odd cases but that too in a very symbolic and controlled pattern. A coalition of about thirteen non profit and charitable organizations and Institutions of Canada have come forward to organize series of media presentations and confrences to discuss the way forward and examine the challenges being faced to seek justice by democratic means in India.

Mr.Aridaman Jit Singh, Director Nishan has been invited by above coalition to generate awareness among Canadian Indian community with regards to communal and anti democratic agenda of India’s congress party responsible for Sikh genocide and response of Indian judiciary and police towards visible minorities in denying justice to victims of state sponsored violence.

The media presentations and confrences have been stretched from 01st November to 25th November 2012 at various institutions in Greater Toronto Area.

Tear and Ashes by Sikh Activist Network was organized to commemorate the memories of victims of !984 genocide, where Aridaman Jit Singh, Director Nishan highlighted the root cause of the failure of criminal justice system in India, that has perpetually eluded the justice to its citizens