“Post office syndrome” afflicting Top Babus like Plague , ilks of Lt.Governor/Commissioner of Police

Appointments to the positions like L.G. Delhi government, Commissioner of Police Delhi are meaning less, when the incumbents have to simply forward the letters in original to field offices without any specific directions etc.Team Nishan vigorously followed up on Police Reforms From Peoples’ Perspective Campaign with Police station staff and Delhi Police Headquarters’ Top Brass, Lt.Governors’ offices to seek their cooperation. Response was as expected, proving that old habits die hard. When, people can get huge salaries without performing, why should they take pain to shoulder such an activity that may strip them of their powers and expose their real face of working. Lt.Governors office displayed post office syndrome but Commissioner of Police Delhi asked Jt. Commissioner of Police (Admin) at PHQ to act on his behalf, who further adviced that P.R.O. was the right person to deal with the campaign, with full assurance of cooperation that was demonstrative from formal cups of Tea and warm hospitality.

Every one in colonial power formation of pseudo democratic India is firmly saddeled in position of power and fully empowered to take citizens for a ride without any accountability, we began experiencing it first hand from the day, we took the plunge to reform this system, with peoples’ participation.

The present incumbent to Lieutenant Governors’ office had taken over and we wrote him Demi Official letter, seeking direct interaction through a one to one meeting. Objective was to brief him with our strategy on Police Reforms from Peoples’ Perspective campaign and draw his attention to the pitfalls and get instructions issued for seeking cooperation from Delhi Police, since Delhi police is accountable to people of delhi, through this broad based institutional mechanism.

The D.O.Letter No.Pol/1374-2013 dated 29 July 2013 was sent to Sh.Najib Jung, Lt.Governor, Delhi but it was never put up to LG by his personal staff and at Dak stage itself, it was sent to Commissioner of Police Delhi, whose offices further sent the copies of our D.O.Letter to all the DCPs/ Addl.DCPs of the districts. When we sent RTI to know about the status of our D.O.letter, we got the answer from some of the DCPs/Addl.DCPs that action has been taken on our letter, what they mean by action,  we wanted audience with the Lieutenant Governor to brief him about the campaign to begin the activity. It is high time political government should stop recycling the retired babus, who have kept decorating the colonial offices like flowerpots for 3 to 4 decades and they continue the same culture, when reappointed in ceremonial positions, that are infact a big burden on public exchequer.