“बदायूं” Budaun’s Katda Sadatganj; “Rape and murder” of democracy- state functionaries and political representatives play “Transfer-Transfer”, Suspension-suspension, who will address the institutional issues of this flawed police and judicial system.

In the existing colonial police structure, everyone is a victim, let it be I.P.S. officer or a P.P.S. officer or a front line Police officer or the public or the politically elected government. Each one of the stake holders is victim of this flawed system, but other than adminstering personality treatment to the immediate issues by suspending and removing officials, do we have any remedy to address the institutional flaws that lead to collective failure and encourages crime and corruption. Mr.Aridaman Jit Singh and Mr.Sabya Sachi Mohapatra from Team Nishan, spearhaeding the Lok Swaraj Abhiyan, that is dedicated to democratization of colonial governance in India,visited the village Katra Sadatganj on 05th June 2014 to have first hand information on the henious crime against the teenaged girls and the state response.

Millions of hapless indians have fallen victims to the crimes and corruption that is promoted by flawed and deceptive institutions of Police and Judiciary, and so happened with the latest victims of this criminalised system, that claimed their tender lives.

The villagers, whom we met at Mango grove at Katra sadatganj were very vocal and agitated. The mango grove that was mute spectator to the murders, had few press representatives those who came from southern channels and recorded our views on the stance of various political parties and the way forward to ensure justice to the victim families. Omender Singh, reporter of Hindustan from Budaun narrated the role played by his news paper in highlighting the crime and bringing spot light of media to the crime.

Inhuman act of rape and murder of two teenage girls at Badaun, petty politics and superfluous stand of contemporary political parties through mudslinging and blaming of political government of the day in UP and demanding President’s rule is all antidemocratic stance of vested interests and strongly condemned.

mango treeThe political mudslinging is creating illusions, distracting attention from real culprits and indirectly helping the institutional incumbents of U.P. Police to get away with their criminal negligence and absolute collective failure which will further encourage the more crime and corruption and injustice and eroding trust of common man on politically elected governments and democratic process of governance.

 Mr. Aridaman jit Singh convener of Lokswaraj abhiyan and Mr. sabya sachi Mahapatra, co-convener of Lokswaraj abhiyan from team Nishan visited Badaun on 5 June 2014 and met the villagers, family members of the deceased girls and local frontline police officers who have first-hand information on the incident and subsequent acts of the Establishment. Nishan is a civil society organization that has been running the campaign for democratization of security 7 justice system in India, under the aegis of Lokswaraj Abhiyan.


 The incident and spate in crime in UP is a very “just” fallout of the complete criminalisation of the existing work culture of police and judiciary and shall not be solely attributed to the current political government, the Samajwadi party government of Akhilesh Yadav is not functioning differently but like any other politically elected government of a political party and following same pattern of governance and response system that is prevalent all over the country.

 Like previous political regimes of Congress BJP BSP on assuming the charge in UP, Akhilesh government also transfered onset of government officials and deputed another set of officials and like other political governments, to address bureaucratic apathy and a crime in the society they have also been ordering enquiries on narrow lines and suspending the immediate junior officers/employees concerned. Like any other state government they have also manufactured a fast track court in their statement, that will follow the same court work culture and laws but still pretend as fast track court by hopefully disposing of this case on priority in time bound manner.

addressing media

Like successive political governments of post British India in every state and in centre, Akhilesh Yadav government also lacks independent capacity amongst its politicians on policy formulation for lack of domain expertise and also , it is victim of bureaucratic conspiracy that keeps acting as Post Office. His babus with colonial ceremonial conspiracy have successfully been kicking around every individual and institutional issues of a governance, apathy, corruption, crime from last two years, from one office to another, these issues and concerned correspondence of religion and independent civil society organisations by shuttling from one office to another and wasting precious time and money to exhaust and tire out the social activists, community leaders to ensure untimely demise of SP government by portraying it as the main culprit.


Hence, blaming only U.P. Government of Akhilesh Yadav in isolation is a sheer discriminatory and prejudiced act of vested interests and strongly condemned on behalf of all those citizens, whose conscience are not dead and rationality not blinded by political bias. 

We earnestly demand from and humbly request U.P. chief Minister Mister Akhilesh Yadav to come out of ceremonial protective cocoon created by colonial babus and institute a process of interacting with not only victims but also those people of Domain expertise, who wish to strengthen him in policy formulation to initiate institutional changes with evidence based information  and strategies to begin India’s transition to democracy and restore the trust of people in democratic processes.


We raise following specific issues for the immediate attention and executive action of Mr. Akhilesh Yadav, Chief Minister UP

1. Make the complete chain of command of police accountable for their complete failure in detecting criminalisation among their own department, starting from SP, SSP, DIGP, IGP, ADGP, DGP. These employees are paid huge salaries and perks to ensure the environment and workculture that shall keep the police responsive to local community needs and provide the safety and security to build the trust of common man on politically elected government.

 2. Constitute the committee to work out modalities of instituting Jury trial in the BADAUN case. This case should not be allowed to be dealt under the alleged fast track courts, that have colonial ceremonial work culture that was designed to punish every complaint of crime and corruption with procedural ceremonial cacophony and delays.

 3. Jury trial, jury consisting of five members of civil society to rein in colonial judges to ensure impartiality, neutrality for justice will prevail and truth to prevail.

 4. Case investigation should not be handed over to CBI this agency has not very efficient track of working in such cases rather it has dubious track record of performance. CBI is all pomp of show without any substance. If you wish to win over trust of your people, ensure independent neutral investigation by you U.P.Police assisted by Joint inquiry committee constituted of members of civil society of domain experts to assist the UP police and complete the investigation on day-to-day basis. 

5. Immediately constitute a joint committee consisting of independent domain experts, Sans colonial babus to examine in-depth, the role, responsibility & accountability of positions of SP, SSP, D IG, IG, ADGP, DGP in current UP police structure and redefine it to make them accountable and performance oriented.

 6. Immediately depute only those police officers as district police chief who have practical experience of few decades of working in the field and accumulated rich practical experience as investigation officers and field officers, just qualifying IPS and four years of service doesn’t make one expert.

7. Immediately direct all of your officers starting from SP, SSP, DG, IG, ADGP to  DGP to spend time in the streets to turn them from ceremonial to practical. Policing is the street job and this is the only way to be productive by being practical. They must spend six hours out of eight hours in the field during day and night they should not remain in office as flowerpots. Police needs to be immediately demilitarised, decentralised, restructured, and retested to make them suitable for fulfilling Democratic aspirations of people.


२७ मइ २०१४ के दुर्भाग्यशाली दिन कटड़ा स्दात्गंज की दो बहनों के साथ हुए जघन्य अपराध तथा हत्या ने देस को हिल्ला कर रख दिया / ३ जून को राज्य के मुख्य मंत्री ने अपराध की जाँच सी बी आई से करवाने का निर्णय दे दिया परन्तु क्या मुख्य मंत्री महोदय वे सब कदम उठाने के लिए जागृत व् कटिबद्ध हैं जिनसे पुलिस महकमा प्रभावशाली रूप से कार्य कर आवश्यकता के समय आम जन को सुरक्षा तथा सेवा प्रदान कर सके, पुलिस का अपराधीकरण रुक सके तथा संगठित भ्रस्टाचार पर रोक लग सके /

निशान के लोक स्वराज अभियान तहत प्रजातंत्रीकरण पर कार्य कर रहे अभियान के सदस्यों ने बदायूं में सम्बंधित पीड़ित परिवार तथा ग्रामीणों एवं अग्रिम पंक्ति पुलिस अधिकारीयों से भेंट के पश्चात वापसी पर , प्रेस के सदस्यों को संबोधित किया / संस्था के लोक सवराज्य अभियान के सयोजक अरिदमन जित सिंह तथा सह्सयोज्क सब्यसाची महापात्र एवं अभियान सहायक कुमारी नयनी सिंह ने संबोधित करते हुए बदायूं काण्ड को लेकर मुख्यमंत्री श्री अखिलेश यादव से निम्न मांग की ;-

१.       बदायूं से सम्बंधित पुलिस महकमे की सम्पूर्ण चेन अफ कमांड जिसमे एसपी , एस एस पि , डी आई जी , आई जी , ए डी जी पि तथा डी जी पि को , पुलिस संस्था में हुए अपराधीकरण तथा असफलता के लिए जवाबदेही पर लाया जाये /

२.      बदायूं केस की सुनवाई के लिए अंग्रेजी विधि पर चलने वाले फ़ास्ट ट्रेक कोर्ट के स्थान पर ज्यूरी ट्रायल का गठन किया जाए / समाज के पांच सामुदायिक प्रतिनिधयों को ज्यूरी का सदस्य घोषित कर दिन प्रति दिन के आधार पर ट्रायल चला कर एक निर्धारित समय सीमा में दोषियों को दंड सुनिश्चित किया जाये /

३.      केस की सुनवाई सी बी आई को सौंपे जाकर , यु पि पुलिस के ही अनुभवी अग्रिम पंक्ति पुलिस अधिकारीयों से जॉइंट कमिटी की मदद से दिन प्रतिदिन के आधार पर इन्वेस्त्गेष्ण पूर्ण की जाये / क्यूंकि ऐसे केसों में  सी बी आई का पुराना रिकार्ड संदेहपूर्ण ही रहा है /

४.      स्वतंत्र विषय विशेषज्ञों को लेकर तुरंत प्रभाव से एक ज्वाइंट कमिटी का घठन किया जाये जो की वर्तमान यु पि पुलिस महकमे की संगठनात्मक बनावट में एसपी , एस एस पि , डी आई जी , आई जी , ए डी जी पि तथा डी जी पि तक की उचित संक्रियात्मक भूमिका , जवाबदेही तथा जिम्मेवारी निर्धारित करे ताकि असफलता तथा अपराध की घटनाओं को लेकर पुलिस महकमे के इन अधिकारीयों को जवाबदेह बनाया जा सके /

५        पुलिस में जिला प्रमुख लगाने के लिए आई पि एस को योग्यता का मानदंड मानकर न चला जाए / २५ से ३० वर्ष के अनुभव वाले अधिकारी ही जिला प्रमुख लगाये जाएँ बेशक वे राज्य पुलिस के डी  एस पि हों /

६.      तुरंत प्रभाव से  एसपी , एस एस पि , डी आई जी , आई जी , ए डी जी पि तथा डी जी पि को फिल्ड में काम करने के लिए तथा ८ घंटे में से कम से कम ६ घंटे सडक पर बिताने के आदेश जारी किये जाएँ / ताकि वेह प्रेक्टिकल हो सकें तथा निचे वाले अग्रिम पंक्ति पुलिस अधिकारी उनके सीधे नेत्रत्व में कार्य कर सकें / वर्तमान में चल रही सम्पूर्ण पुलिसिया कारवाई मात्र दिखावे पर आधारित तथा उच्च अधिकारीयों द्वारा निर्धारित टारगेट पूरा करने के लिहाज से की जाती है / जो की जनता की मात्र परेशानी बढाती है न की अपराध रोकती है / सड़क पर तथा गली में कार्य कर रहा पुलिस कर्मी तभी सफल हो सकता है यदि उसे अपराध से सम्बंधित विश्लेषण युक्त उचित इनपुट तत्काल प्राप्त होती रहे /

In the Press Greater Noida News