Empowerement of Front Line Police Officers- Democratisation of Police in India, Field research-Day 1

The long Journey of empowerement of front line police officers began with a trip to Panniwala Mota Police Post 20 Kms. from Sirsa district HQs. On 24th January 1986, this very place had been witness to a violent clash between Police and the villagers. Local villagers were protesting against the corrupt regime of then congress led Government of Ch.Bansi Lal

ASI Babu lal of Police Station Odaan under district Sirsa is incharge of police post Panniwala Mota. Police Post is housed in two rooms constructed by locals as a charity and most of the things have been organized by mobilizing local resources. He is incharge of 7 police personnel comprising of 4 EHCs, 1 HC & 1 Ct. They are connected with Police station through one stationery VHF set. One makeshift kitchen is there with improvised toilet and bathroom but no cupboard.

ASI Babu Lal represents an average police men of India, He got his first promotion after 16 years and second promotion after another twelve years. Promotion policy for front line police officers has remained something symbolic of fire fighting exercise by Top Police higharchy.

They took notice of our movements and volunteered to walk to us and greeted with utmost courtesy and when we briefed them about our motive, they all seemed to be very excited to share their views with us on how to improve and democratize the police. On condition of anonimity they confided everything on limitations and challenges of existing police system and how to reform this militarised police.

ASI Babu lal was so much emotionally overwhelmed and moved by the campaign that he wanted to gift something to our team He soon rushed inside his room and as a parting gift  gave us a papaya that he had brought for himself to eat during fast.